January 2003 : Events Calendar |
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If you want events to be included, please e-mail details to thendral@tamilonline.com.Though we try our best to provide accurate information, we urge you to check details with the host organization before attending an event.
| Jan. 02 | Amavasai, Hanuman Jayanthi | Jan. 03 | Andal Yagam | Jan. 11 | Koodaraivalli | Jan. 14 | Vaikunta Ekadasi, Bhogi Pongal, Goda Kalyanam | Jan. 15 | Makara Sankranti, Pongal, Thai Masam begins, Pradosam, Uttarayana Punyakalam | Jan. 16 | Kanu Pongal | Jan. 18 | Pournami | Jan. 19 | Thai Poosam | Jan. 21 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | Jan. 22 | Tyagaraja Aradhana Day | Jan. 26 | Indian Republic Day | Jan. 28 | Ekadasi | Shubha Muhurtha Day: 5,6,9,24,27 |  ![]()  |
Jan 6, 13, 20, 27 Tuesdays 6-9am, "Mostly Tamil", Radio Broadcast, 90.1FM, San Francisco Bay Area, www.mostlytamil.com
Kathak Dance Class with Chitresh Das, world reknowned Kathak artist (Tuesdays and Thursdays), San Francisco, California. Organized by Cultural Integration Fellowship. Beginners: 6:00 p.m., Advanced: 7:00 p.m. Contact: 415.759.8060, www.culturalintegration.org
Jan 4, 11, 18, 25, Saturdays 11am-12pm - Sundara Kanda Parayanam (Joint recitation of Sundara Kanda, 5th Canto of Sri Valmiki Ramayana); 1-2pm - Vishnu Sahasranamam at the Learning Center, Shiva-Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California, Contact: Temple 925.449.6255, www.livermoretemple.org
8am-9:30pm, Saturday Program for Ammachi, Amita Hall, San Ramon, California. Contact: events@ammachi.org, 510.537.9417, www.ammachi.org
Jan 5, 12, 19, 26, Sundays 10-11:30am, California Tamil Academy conducts Tamil Classes (during regular school Sessions, excluding Jan 19) at Room Nos. 72 - 74, De Anza College, Cupertino, California, Contact: catamilacademy@yahoo.com, 408.741.0612, www.catamilacademy.org
9:30-10am, Tamil Class taught every sunday at the Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Riverdale, Georgia, Contact: 770.907.7102, www.hindutempleofatlanta.org
11-11:50am, Tamil Class and Tiruppugazh taught every sunday at the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, 10915 Lemont Rd, Lemont, Illinois, Contact: Jayanthi Balachandran 630.325.2985, Usha Narayanan at 630.527.9308 or the Temple front desk. www.ramatemple.org
Jan 1, Wednesday 11am-1pm - Murugan Puja and Devotional Music by Shri Natarajan and family at Shiva Murugan Temple, 1803 Second Street, Concord, California 94519-2623. Contact: 925.827.0127, www.shivamurugantemple.org/
New Year's Day Prasadam Distribution at Livermore Temple, Livermore, California. Contact: Mr. Lakamraju, 510.651.7843, www.bayareatamilmanram.org
11am - Happy New Year celebrations with music by various groups at Badarikashrama, 15602 Maubert Ave, San Leandro, California. Contact:badarik@pacbell.net, 510.278.2444
10am-6pm - Ammachi New Year's Day Silent Retreat, MA Center, San Ramon, California. Contact: 510.537.9417, events@ammachi.org, www.ammachi.org/main/new-year-2003-retreat.html
11:30am - New Year's Day Celebration Organized by Asian Indian Baptist Church at Asian Indian Baptist Church in Marietta. Indian Professionals Network, Atlanta, Georgia. Contact: aibc@mindspring.com, www.ipnatlanta.net/aibc/
3-5pm - New Year's Day Cultural Program at Sama Rathi Auditorium, Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, 10915 Lemont Rd, Lemont, Illinois. Contact:info@ramatemple.org, 630.972.0300, www.ramatemple.org
8am - Ganapati Upanishad Parayanam, and 2pm - Grand auction of saris, jewelry and sacred items for deities at New York Ganesh Temple, 45-57 Bowne Street, Flushing, New York. Contact: webmaster@nyganeshtemple.org, 718. 460.8484, www.nyganeshtemple.org.
Jan 2, Thursday 7-8:30pm - talk by Dr. Beheruz Sethna on growing communalism in India at DuPree College of Management, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia. Organized by Save India Campaign. Contact: rajesh.chakrabarti@mgt.gatech.edu, www.ipnatlanta.net/030102save.html
Jan 3, Friday 8pm - Curry Kirtan with chanting, kirtan and bhajans, followed by a potluck dinner at Sri Vidya Mandir, 2535 Mira Vista Drive, El Cerrito, California. Contact: 510.234.6543.
11:30am - New Year's celebration at First Asian Indian Baptist Church of Metro Atlanta, 570 Piedmont Rd. N.E., Marietta, Georgia. Contact: Reverend Younis Farhat, 770.516.5751, aibc@mindspring.com
Jan 4, Saturday 3-6pm - Carnatic Vocal Concert by Hemmige V. Srivatsan, Hindu Community and Cultural Center, Livermore, California. Contact: info@livermoretemple.org, 925.449.6255, www.livermoretemple.org
Swami Yogananda's Birthday Celebrations, and "Who can take us to God?" Ananda Sangha, 2171 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, California. Contact:info@anandapaloalto.org, 650.323.3363, www.anandapaloalto.org
4pm - Bharatanatyam by Sumana Valluri Rao, Asha Ramesh - Vocal, N.Narayan - Mridangam, Shanthi Narayan - Violin. Mridangam, and Shanthi Narayan - Violin, at Mexican Heritage Plaza, 1700 Alum Rock Ave, San Jose, California. Organized by Lasya Dance Company, Contact: 510.623.8230, www.lasya.org
2pm - Social Support Group - Organized by Raksha, Atlanta, Georgia. 404.842.0725, www.raksha.org
4pm - Kuchipudi dance performance "Srinivasa Kalyanam," at Georgia Tech, Riverdale, Georgia. Proceeds will go to Shiva Temple. Organized by Hindu Temple of Atlanta. Contact: atlreddy@aol.com, Narinder Reddy 770.921.8678, www.ipnatlanta.net/030104hta.pdf
Jan 9, Thursday 8pm - Lecture by John Hawley "The Damage of Separation: Krishna's Loves and Kali's Child." Gold Lounge, Faculty Club, Stanford University, California. www.stanford.edu/group/scbs/Calendar/calendar2002-03/s_asia.02-03.html
6:30pm - Indian Professionals Network monthly meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, Organized by Ms.Manka X. Kaur. Contact: mankakaur@yahoo.com, www.ipnatlanta.net/ipn/
(Jan 9-11) NRI/PIO conference (Pravasi Bharatiya Divas) Organized by the Government. of India in New Delhi, India. Contact:indiaday@indiaday.org, 91.11.23738760.70; 91.11.23317462 (Direct), www.indiaday.org
Jan 11, Saturday 3pm - Bharathi Vizha, celebrating the life and works of poet Bharathiyar through music, dance, drama, and literature, at CET Performing Arts Center, 701 Vine Street, San Jose, California. Co-sponsored by Bay Area Tamil Manram and Bharathi Kalalaya. Contact: bharathi@bayareatamilmanram.org, www.bayareatamilmanram.org
7pm - Suman Laha with Amit Chatterjee - Tabla at Torrance Civic Center, 3350 Civic Center Drive, Torrance, California. Contact: 310.542.3216
1-3pm - Seniors' Party for devotees age and older at Ramalaya Auditorium, Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, 10915 Lemont Rd, Lemont, Illinois. Contact:info@ramatemple.org, 630.972.0300, www.ramatemple.org
Jan 12, Sunday 12-1pm - Thai Pongal bharatanatyam festival performed by students of Mythili Kumar at Shiva Murugan Temple, Concord, California. Contact: 925.827.0127,www.temple.org
7-9pm - Ekantha Seva Music Festival, Raga - Pushpam, Classical Concert by Sri Vikas Falnikar at Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, Lemont, Illinois. Contact:info@ramatemple.org, 630.972.0300, www.ramatemple.org
Yoga Class for Culture-3 at Shishu Bharathi (Northeastern University, Burlington, Massachusetts and River College Nashua, New Hampshire).shishubharati.org/
Jan 13, Monday 9-11am - Vaikunta Ekadasi program at Hindu Community and Cultural Center, Shiva Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California. Contact: 925.449.6255, livermoretemple.org 7:30pm - Monthly Shiva Pooja at Sandeepany Chinmaya Mission, 1050 Park Avenue, San Jose, California. www.chinmaya.com/san-jose/
Jan 14, Tuesday 5:30am Thiruppalliyezuchi, Thiruppavai, Thiruvempavai, 4pm Goda kalyanam at Sri Venkateswara Temple (Balaji Mandir) & Community Center, 780 old Farm Road, Bridgewater, New Jersey. Contact: 908.725.4477; www.asanet.com/HTCS
Jan 15, Wednesday 11:45-2pm Career Series: Finding The Career Niche & New Job Options, Patti Wilson. SDForum Center, 111 W. Saint John, Suite 200, San Jose, CA. Contact: 408.494.8378, www.sdforum.org
10:30am - Special puja to Surya Bhagavan at Sri Venkateswara Temple (Balaji Mandir) & Community Center, 780 old Farm Road, Bridgewater, New Jersey. Contact: 908.725.4477
Jan 17, Friday (Jan 17-18) IIT Grand Jubilee, at Flint Center (17th) and Fairmont (18th), San Jose, California. Contact: Monish Sayal iit50@iit.org, www.iit.org to register.
(Jan 17-19) Weekend Getaway for Women - Ayurveda and Self Care, Kaya Kalpa Wellness Center, Mount Madonna Center, 445 Summit Rd, Watsonville, California. Contact: 408.847.0406, programs@mountmadonna.org, www.mountmadonna.org
(Jan 17-20) HSC National Conference, at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, Organized by Hindu Students Council. Contact: Mrinalini Sharma msharma@learnlink.emory.edu, hscemory@att.net, www.emory.edu/STUDENTS/HSC/conference.html
Jan 18, Saturday 4pm - Nritya Sandhya - An evening of dance; Bharatanatyam by Deepa Srikanth, Vidhya Subramanian - Nattuvangam, Asha Ramesh - Vocal, N. Narayanan - Mridangam, Shanthi Narayanan - Violin, at Cubberley Theater, 4000 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto, California. Organized by Lasya Dance Company. Contact: lasya-dance@yahoo.com, 408.257.7961
Pongal Program. Organized by Chicago Tamil Sangam www.chicagotamilsangam.org; check website for more details on the program; Krishnaraj, R - 847-541-5993
Pongal Festival at Meenakshi Temple Kalyana Mandapam, 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, Texas 77584. 4-8pm Cultural program, 8-9pm dinner, both free. Organized by Bharathi Kalai Manram & Meenakshi Temple Society. Contact: Soma Srikanth somasri@yahoo.com, 281.304.7056, www.bkmhouston.org to register.
Jan 19, Sunday 12-1pm - Thai Poosam puja and devotional songs by Asha Ramesh at Shiva Murugan Temple, Concord, California. Contact: 925.827.0127, www.temple.org
11am-12pm - The Eternal Religion: Encountering Hinduism, lecture by Linda Johnsen at Cultural Integration Fellowship, 2650 Fulton St, San Francisco, California. Contact: 415.626.2442.
2pm - Swami Vivekananda Jayanti with kirtan, a talk, and Hindustani music, at Badarikashrama, 15602 Maubert Avenue, San Leandro, California. Contact: 510.278.2444, badarik@pacbell.net
Jan 21, Tuesday 6:15-7:45pm Yoga class, Beginners' series, by Karen Scura, at Dancing Yogi studio, Saratoga, California. Contact: info@dancingyogi.com, 408.741.7084, www.dancingyogi.com
Jan 24, Friday Unity Dinner 2003 by Indo-American Community Federation, featuring bharatanatyam by Indumathy Ganesh. A portion of proceeds to charity, at the Fremont Marriot Hotel, Fremont, California. Contact: Jeevan Zutshi 510.589.3702, www.iacf.us/
(Jan 24-26) Brahmari Devi Drumming and Chanting Workshop, Mount Madonna Center, Watsonville, California. Contact: programs@mountmadonna.org, 408.847.0406, www.mountmadonna.org
Jan 25, Saturday 5:30-8:30pm - Quarterly meeting of the Georgia Association of Physicians (GAPI) at The Palace Indian Restaurant in Norcross, Georgia. Contact: Asha Parikh, MD, nparikh1950@aol.com, 770.662.5024,www.ipnatlanta.net/gapi/030125gapi.html
8-10pm - Sitar concert by Kakali Bandyopadhyay at Performing Arts Studio, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, Organized by Music at Emory. Contact: Arts at Emory Box Office, boxoffice@emory.edu, 404.727.5050, www.ipnatlanta.net/030125emory.html
Tyagaraja Aradhana Celebrations, Sri Venkateswara Temple of Chicago, 1145 W. Sullivan Rd Aurora, Illinois. Contact: manager@balaji.org, 630.844.2252,www.balaji.org
Violin Concert by Arun Ramamurthy, Organized by Carnatic Music Association of North America (CMANA), Fords, New Jersey. Contact: cmana@cmana.org, www.cmana.org
Jan 26, Sunday Devotional songs by Krishna Parthasarathy, and puja, at Shiva Murugan Temple, 1803 Second Street, Concord, California. Contact: 925.827.0127, www.temple.org
4pm - Monthly concert, Thyagaraja Day, at Bharathi Kalalaya, 3392, Seldon Court Fremont, California. Contact: Anuradha Suresh 510.490.4629, www.bharathikalalaya.org
11am - Vocal Concert by Mala Ganguly at Pacific Asia Museum, 46 N. Los Robles Ave., Pasadena, California. Organized by The Music Circle. Contact: info@musiccircle.org, Harihar Rao 626.449.6987, www.musiccircle.org
1-4pm - Gurukul, a core set of principles and values through stories, myths, legends, and discovery-based activities. Runs through March 30, at ICC Santa Clara facilities, 3065 Democracy Way, Santa Clara, California. Contact: 408.934.1130
Republic Day Celebration during Language class at Shishu Bharathi (Northeastern University, Burlington, Massachusetts and River College Nashua, New Hampshire). www.shishubharati.org/
Jan 29, Wednesday 7-9pm - Talk on Yoga and Health, free, at Rackham Auditorium, 915 East Washington, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Sponsored by the Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Research Center of the University of Michigan and the Turner Senior Resource Center, Contact: 248.478.4786, www.ishafoundation.org/sched/detroit.asp
Jan 30, Thursday 6:30pm - Talk on Yoga and Health, free, at St. Mary Mercy Hospital Auditorium,14250 Plymouth Road,Livonia, Michigan. Contact: 248.478.4786, www.ishafoundation.org/sched/detroit.asp |