March 2003 : Events Calendar |
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If you want events to be included, please e-mail details to thendral@tamilonline.com. Though we try our best to provide accurate information, we urge you to check details with the host organization before attending an event.
| Mar. 01 | Maha Shivarathri | Mar. 02 | Thai Amavasai | Mar. 05 | Ash Wednesday, Bakrid/Hijri New Year | Mar. 08 | Dayanand Jayanthi | Mar. 09 | Krittigai | Mar. 14 | Moharam, Karadian Nombu | Mar. 16 | Panguni Uthiram | Mar. 17 | Holi, Saint Patrick's Day | Mar. 18 | Pournami, Mahalakshmi Jayanthi | Mar. 21 | Ganesh Shankashth Chaturthi | Shubha Muhurtha Day: 5, 6, 10, 13, 21, 27, 30 |  ![]()  |
Ongoing: 1-4pm - Gurukul, a core set of principles and values through stories, myths, legends, and discovery-based activities. Runs through March 30, at ICC Santa Clara facilities, 3065 Democracy Way, Santa Clara, California. Contact: 408.934.1130
Museum Exhibition (thru March 9) - The Sensuous and the Sacred: Chola Bronzes from South India at Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, 1050 Independence Ave. SW , Washington, District of Columbia. Contact: 202.357.2700, asiainfo@asia.si.edu, www.asia.si.edu
Mar 3, 10, 19, 24, 31 Mondays 6-8pm - Yoga and Meditation class with Cator Shachoy, one and half hours Iyengar Yoga followed by half hour Vipassana meditation. $12 per class/ $50 for series of 5 for CIF members, $15 per class/$60 for series of 5 for general public. 2650 Fulton Street at 3rd Avenue, San Francisco, California. Organized by Cultural Integration Fellowship. Contact: 415.235.9380,info@culturalintegration.org, www.culturalintegration.org
Mar 4, 11, 18, 25 Tuesdays 6-9am - "Mostly Tamil", Radio Broadcast, 90.1FM, San Francisco Bay Area, California. Contact: Sutha at sutha@mostlytamil.com, www.mostlytamil.com
6pm, 7pm - Kathak Dance Class with Chitresh Das, world renowned Kathak artist (Tuesdays and Thursdays), 2650 Fulton Street at 3rd Avenue, San Francisco, California. Organized by Cultural Integration Fellowship. Beginners: 6:00 p.m., Advanced: 7:00 p.m. Contact: 415.759.8060, info@culturalintegration.org, www.culturalintegration.org
7:30-9pm - Introduction to Iyengar yoga. Iyengar Yoga Institute, 2650 Fulton Street (at 3rd Avenue), San Francisco, California. $50 Contact: 415.753.0909, info@iyisf.org, www.iyisf.org
7:30-8:30pm (from 7pm on Mar 18) - Evening Meditation Workshop, United Church of Christ, 825 Middlefield Drive, Petaluma, California. Free. Contact: (800) 475-2369, (707) 878-2369, info@nilgiri.org, www.nilgiri.org
Mar 7, 14, 21, 28 Fridays 6-9am - "Voices of India", Radio Broadcast, 90.1FM, San Francisco Bay Area, California . Contact: Meena, info@kzsu.stanford.edu, kzsu.stanford.edu
Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Saturdays 11am-12pm - Sundara Kanda Parayanam (Joint recitation of Sundara Kanda, 5th Canto of Sri Valmiki Ramayana);
1-2pm - Vishnu Sahasranamam at the Learning Center, Shiva-Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California, Contact: Temple 925.449.6255, www.livermoretemple.org
Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Sundays 9:30-10am - Tamil Class taught at the Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Riverdale, Georgia. Also offering Dance classes, Hatha Yoga, Adult Gita, and Balavihar class. Contact: 770.907.7102, feedback@hindutempleofatlanta.org, www.hindutempleofatlanta.org
11-11:50am - Tamil Class and Tiruppugazh taught at the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, 10915 Lemont Rd, Lemont, Illinois. Also offering Sanskrit, Religion, Vishnu Sahasranama, craft, and tabla classes. Contact: Jayanthi Balachandran 630.325.2985, Usha Narayanan at 630.527.9308 or the Temple front desk. info@ramatemple.org, www.ramatemple.org
11am-12pm - California Tamil Academy conducts Tamil Classes (during regular school Sessions) for Kamba Ramayanam and Silappadikaram at Room Nos. 72 - 74, De Anza College, Cupertino, California. Contact: 408.741.0612, catamilacademy@yahoo.com, www.catamilacademy.org
Bala Vihar classes at Chinmaya Mission in Danville, Fremont, Los Altos, and San Jose, California. Curriculum includes Tamil language instruction. www.chinmaya.com/san-jose/bvlocsch.html
Mar 1, Saturday 2-5pm - Opening the cage yoga class by Nora Burnett. Iyengar Yoga Institute, 2404 27th Avenue, San Francisco, California. $50 members/$55 nonmembers. Contact: 415.753.0909, info@iyisf.org, www.iyisf.org
6pm-1am - Maha Shivarathri celebrations with puja, bhajans, kirtans, aarti. Badarikashrama, 15602 Maubert Avenue, San Leandro, California. Contact: 510.278.2444, badrik@pacbell.net
6pm-6am - Maha Shivarathri celebrations with puja, bharatanatyam by Sreelata Suresh. Shiva Murugan Temple, 1803 Second Street, Concord, California. Contact: Contact the temple priest: 925.827.0127, ananthchellam@hotmail.com, www.shivamurugantemple.org
5:30-11pm - Mr/Miss San Francisco India 2003 by Swagat Care Foundation & San Francisco India Pagea. $75, $650-1000 table for 10, including dinner. Fremont Marriott, 46100 Landing Parkway, Fremont, California. Contact: Rhennu Dhillon 510.713.2431, sfobeauty@cs.com
6pm - Aksharotsav 2003, by AID, showcasing local talent. Coffman Memorial Union, St. Paul Student Center, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul Campus, 2017 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Contact: Vijay Rajamani 612.617.9377, aidmn@tc.umn.edu, www.tc.umn.edu/~aidmn/
8pm - Bharatanatyam by Joyce K. Paul. Town Hall 1119, 8th Avenue (at Seneca), Seattle, Washington. Contact: 206.652.8938, www.ticketweb.com, www.narthaki.com
Deadline for National Tamil Youth Organization applications for MedicVan Scholarship. One generous youth age 14-25 will be selected to complete a service project between the months of April to June. Contact: Muthukumar Senthil (President, NTYO), information@ntyo.org, www.ntyo.org/projects/medicvan.htm
Mar 2, Sunday 1:30-3:30pm - Integral yoga as practice by Jean Johnson and Joseph Kent. Cultural Integration Fellowship, 2650 Fulton Street (at 3rd Avenue), San Francisco, California. $10 general, free for members. Contact: 415.626.2442, info@culturalintegration.org, www.culturalintegration.org
Swami Dayamitra Chaitanya Retreat. Los Angeles, California. Contact: Bhagavati310.859.8153, nancyjanemurray@mediaone.net, www.ammachi.org/tours/swami-tour/dayamrita-swami.html
Mar 6, Thursday San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival begins. Mar 6-16. San Francisco, Berkeley, San Jose. Full schedule at www.naatanet.org/cgi/2003/festival.cgi?op=schedule
Mar 7, Friday Deadline for essay and art contest "Growing up Asian in America" for students grades K-12. Organized by Asian Pacific Fund. Contact: 800.286.1688, contest@asianpacificfund.org, www.asianpacificfund.org, www.nbc11.com/growingupasian
Mar 8, Saturday 10am-5pm - Joyful Family Seminar with cultural events by Atlanta Tamil Church, Atlanta, Georgia. Contact: Rev. Palmer 404.245.7674, www.ipnatlanta.net/030309tamilchurch.html
4pm - Carnatic Flute Concert by Shashank Presented by South India Fine Arts, at CET Performing Arts Center, 701 Vine Street, San Jose, California. Contact: 1.888.664.SIFA, vimaro@aol.com, www.southindiafinearts.org
8pm - Konark: Temple of the Sun, odissi dance by Jyoti Kala Mandir. Julia Morgan Theater, 2640 College Avenue, Berkeley, California. $12 advance, $15 at the door ($10/$12 students, children, seniors). Contact: 415.974.4313, mail@jyotikalamandir.org, www.jyotikalamandir.org |
Mar 9, Sunday 2-4pm - Swaraaj, The Little Republic, feature film at Spangenberg Theater, Gunn Senior High School, 780 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto, California. Contact: 650.354.8220, info@prajanet.org, www.spangenbergtheatre.com, www.prajanet.org
2-5:30pm - Joyful Family Seminar with cultural events by Atlanta Tamil Church, Atlanta, Georgia. Contact: Rev. Palmer 404.245.7674, www.ipnatlanta.net/030309tamilchurch.html 5:30pm - (also Mar 17) Satyanarayan Katha, 1281 Cooper Lake Road, Smyrna, Georgia. Contact: 770.436.3719, www.ipnatlanta.net/030323icrc.html
Carnatic vocal by Ranjani and Gayatri, MITHAS, MIT Wong Auditorium, Cambridge Massachusetts. $8-15. Time TBA. Contact: Venkat 781.647.9522, mithas@mit.edu, www.mithas.org
Mar 14, Friday 7pm - Karadiyan Nombu devotional songs by students of Shrimathi Rukumani. Shiva Murugan Temple, 1803 Second Street, Concord, California. Contact: Contact the temple priest: 925.827.0127, ananthchellam@hotmail.com, www.shivamurugantemple.org
Swami Dayamitra Chaitanya Retreat. Amrita Yoga Center, 229 S. Juniper, Escondido, San Diego, California. Contact: Kavita and Shreenath, 760.494.4610, sdammacenter@yahoo.com, www.ammachi.org/tours/swami-tour/dayamrita-swami.html
Meditation Retreat (Mar 14-16) - Nilgiri Press, PO Box 256, Tomales, California. $295. Contact: 800.475.2369, 707.878.2369, info@nilgiri.org, www.nilgiri.org
Mar 15, Saturday 7pm - Surya, bharatanatyam performance by Abhinaya Dance Company, also with odissi. Luis B. Mayer Theater, University of Santa Clara, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California. $15 general, $10 seniors and students. Contact: 408.983.0491, www.indogram.com/sjc/abhinaya.html
Odissi Dance by Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra and troupe, Organized by Kalakendra. Portland, Oregon. Contact: 503.233.8838, www.kalakendra.org
Mar 16, Sunday 11am-1pm - Carnatic Classical Concert by Nandini Ramamurthi. Bharathi Kalalaya, 3392 Seldon Court, Fremont, California. Contact: Anu Suresh 510.490.4629, annu_radha@hotmail.com, www.bharathikalalaya.com
4pm - 4pm - Carnatic Concert by Ranjani and Gayatri Presented by South India Fine Arts, at CET Performing Arts Center, 701 Vine Street, San Jose, California. Contact: 1.888.664.SIFA, vimaro@aol.com, www.southindiafinearts.org
7pm - Surya, bharatanatyam performance by Abhinaya Dance Company, also with odissi. Luis B. Mayer Theater, University of Santa Clara, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California. $15 general, $10 seniors and students. Contact: 408.983.0491, www.indogram.com/sjc/abhinaya.html
Mar 20, Thursday Water for Life Event, wine tasting and education to benefit a sustainable water project in Tamil Nadu, India. Organized by WaterPartners International, World Trade Center, Atlanta, Georgia. Contact: 404.874.7972, info@water.org, www.water.org
Mar 21, Friday 4-9pm - 14th Annual Texas Indian Market and Southwest with dance, music, crafts, etc. $8. Arlington Convention Center,1200 Ballpark Way, Arlington, Texas. Contact: 817.459.5000
8pm - Carnatic vocal by Ranjani and Gayatri, Organized by Rasika. First Christian Church, 1315 SW Broadway, Portland, Oregon. Contact: 503.531.7266, info@rasika.org, www.rasika.org
Weekend Regional Retreat (Mar 21-3), Blue Mountain Center of Meditation. Delray Beach, Florida. $295 Contact: (800) 475-2369, (707) 878-2369, info@nilgiri.org, www.nilgiri.org
Mar 22, Saturday 7pm - Carnatic vocal by Ranjani and Gayatri, Organized by Rasika. Venue TBA. Seattle, Washington. Contact: 503.531.7266, info@rasika.org, www.rasika.org
8pm-10pm - Indian classical jugalbandi with flute, santoor, tabla. Indian classical music society at Cooper Hall Auditorium (103),University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. Contact: Aarti Nirgudkar, 813.265.0350
8pm - Masters of Music: L. Shankar, Gingger & Zakir Hussain in concert, by World Music Institute. Town Hall ,123 West 43rd Street (near 6th Avenue), New York, New York. $45, $35. Contact: 212.840.2824, wmi@worldmusicinstitute.org, www.worldmusicinstitute.org/WMICAL/MAIN.ASP
One Day Regional Retreat (Mar 21-3), Blue Mountain Center of Meditation. Delray Beach, Florida, and Sacramento, California. $95 Contact: (800) 475-2369, (707) 878-2369, info@nilgiri.org, www.nilgiri.org
Mar 24, Monday 7pm - Night with Salman Rushdie, dramatization of "Midnight's Children."
10pm - Q&A with Salman Rushdie for the audience. Organized by Indo- American Arts Council, at Apollo Theatre, 253 West 125TH Street, New York, New York. $35-100. Contact: Aroon 914.637.0833
Mar 29, Saturday Weeklong Meditation Retreat (Mar 29-Apr 4) - Nilgiri Press, PO Box 256, Tomales, California. $650. Contact: 800.475.2369, 707.878.2369, info@nilgiri.org, www.nilgiri.org
Swami Dayamitra Chaitanya Retreat. Fairfield, Iowa. Contact: Vaju Murthy, 641.472.8563, ammasvaju@yahoo.com, www.ammachi-fairfield.org
Carnatic Vocal by Aruna Sayeeram. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Contact: Viji Swaminathan 215.643.2145
Mar 30, Sunday Carnatic Vocal by Ranjani and Gayatri. Time and venue TBA. Austin, Texas. $25-50, free for members.Contact: 512.327.3821 rasika@icmca.org, www.icmca.org |