December 2017: Events Calendar |
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If you want events to be included, please e-mail details to thendral@tamilonline.com. Though we try our best to provide accurate information, we urge you to check details with the host organization before attending an event. | |
Dec 02 | Milad un-Nabi / Id-e-Milad | Dec 07 | Pearl Harbor Day | Dec 10 | Human Rights Day | Dec 16 | Dhanu Sankranti | Dec 25 | Christmas Day | Dec 31 | New Year's Eve | Jan 01 | New Year 2018 | Shubha Muhurtha Days: 06, 07, 13, 14 |  ![]()  |
Dec. 05, 12, 19, 26 Tuesdays 12 noon. Siddha Samadhi Yoga Classes at Shiva Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California, Contact: Temple 925.449.6255, www.livermoretemple.org
Dec. 6, 13, 20, 27 Wednesdays 7:45-9:15pm. Atmotsava - Silent meditation, readings, chanting, bhajans and stotrams on god, guru and self - followed by prasad; Organized by Society of Abidance in Truth; Venue: Santa Cruz, California; Contact: www.satramana.org, 831.425.7287
Dec. 7, 14, 21, 28 Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm. Weekly Satsanghs (Shirdi Sai Bhajans); Organized by Shirdi Sai Parivaar; Venue: Shirdi Sai Center, Sunnyvale, California; Contact: www.shirdisaiparivaar.org, 408-705-7904
Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Saturdays 8 - 10 a.m. Shri Vethathiri Maharishi's Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) Satsang. Session includes simplified exercise, meditation & lectures Organized by SKY Bay Area, a chapter of World Community Service Centre ( WCSC); Venue: Fremont Hindu Temple, Fremont, California; Contact: www.skybayarea.org, 510.825.3567,sky.bayarea@yahoo.com. 9:30 AM. "Mastering Mindfulness in Everyday Living"; (10:30AM) ‘Nurturing Creativity and Focus in Today's Kids" - Learn Mindfulness Exercises and Meditation Techniques to apply in your everyday living. Free. Organized by: Live Mindfully Now, San Jose. Venue: Shirdi Sai Parivaar, Youth Class Room # 2, California Circle, Milpitas, California. Contact: 408.750.4827, www.shirdisaiparivaar.org 5-8pm. Satsang Sabha; Organized by Shree Swaminarayan Hindu Temple (ISSO), 220 Temple Way, Colonia, New Jersey; www.issocnj.org, cnj@issousa.org 6 - 8 PM. San Diego Tamil Church; Venue: Mira Mesa Presbyterian Church, 8081 Mira Mesa Blvd, San Diego CA 92126; Contact: Rev. Dr. N.J. Gnaniah - 714.828.3181; ngnaniah@gmail.com
Dec. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Sundays 8 - 10 a.m. Shri Vethathiri Maharishi's Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) Satsang. Session includes simplified exercise, meditation & lectures Organized by SKY Bay Area, a chapter of World Community Service Centre ( WCSC); Venue: Shirdi Sai Parivaar - Shirdi Sai Center, Milpitas, California; Contact: www.skybayarea.org, 510.825.3567, sky.bayarea@yahoo.com. Bala Vihar classes at Chinmaya Mission in Danville, Fremont, Los Altos, San Jose, and San Ramon, California. Curriculum includes Tamil language instruction; Contact: 408.998.2793, sanjose@chinmayamission.org, www.chinmaya-sanjose.org/balvihar.html 10-11:30am. Satsang - silent meditation, discourse by Nome on Self-Knowledge and Self-inquiry, recitation and readings from the Upanishads; Organized by Society of Abidance in Truth; Venue: Santa Cruz, California; Contact: 831. 425.7287, www.satramana.org; Free. 2-3pm. Evergreen Classics by Srikant Ramabadran; Bay Area: 1550 AM; Contact: www.mixcloud.com/RadioZindagi; srikant@radiozindagi.com 3-4:30pm. Plano Tamil School; Facilitated by Sastha Tamil Foundation; Venue: Alpha Montessori House, Plano, Texas; Contact: www.pltamil.com
December 2, 2017, Saturday Noon. 8th Annual Tamil Isai Competition; Program features competitions in all music forms (Classical, Semi-classical, light, folk, Varnam, etc.); Organized by Tamil Sangam of Greater Washington; Venue: Murugan Temple of North America, Lanham, Maryland; Contact: www.washingtonTamilSangam.org 5:30pm. Saaral - Mega Tamil Light Music show with special guest Anu Hasan; Fundraiser for Cancer Screening & Prevention Centers in TN; Organized by Cancer Institute Foundation; Venue: Dublin High School, Dublin, California; Contact: cifwia.org/saaral-2017
December 3, 2017, Sunday 9:30am. Meet & Greet the ever vivacious ‘Koffee with Anu’ star Anu Hasan with sumptuous breakfast; Organized by Tirupathi Bhimas, Cancer Institute and Bay Area Tamil Manram; Venue: Tirupathi Bhimas, Milpitas, California; Contact: TS Suresh: 408.387.0221, Mahesh: 408.757.7833
December 6-17, 2017 Sri Sri Sri Maha Periyava Aaradhanai Mahotsavam; Program features Ekadashavara Rudra Japam, Sangeetha Aaradhanai by Bay Area gurus, procession, Anusha Nakshatram puja, Sri Sri Sri Mahaperiyava Namasankeerthanam by Swaminatha Bhagavathar; Organized by Sri Kamakshi Community Center (SKCC); Venue: Silicon Andhra University (Milpitas) & SKCC (Santa Clara), California; Contact: www.srikamakshi.org, 925.337.5262 |
December 9, 2017, Saturday 10am. AGM & Elections for 2018 & 2019 Year; Program features concerts by Sindhu (Vocal) and Shishir Kumar (Saxaphone); Organized by Sruti, the India Music & Dance Society, Philadelphia; Venue: Bharatiya Temple, Chalfont, Pennsylvania; Contact: www.sruti.org 1:30pm. PrabRti (Shreyas Kallingal & Sangavi Sureshkumar); PrApti (Shvethaa Jayakumar & Gayathri Ganesan); Student performances of Shruthi Swara Laya; Venue: Shruthi Swara Laya premises, Fremont, California; Contact: www.shruthiswaralaya.com, annumanasa@gmail.com 6:30pm. Carnatic Vocal Concert by Anu Suresh and students of Shruthi Swara Laya; Venue: Kamakshi's Kitchen, San Carlos, California; Contact: www.shruthiswaralaya.com, 510.552.5824 6:30pm. Monthly Tamil Mass, Rosary, Children Liturgy and Get-together; Organized by Bay Area Tamil Catholic Community; Venue: St.Joseph's Church, Mountain View, California; Contact: www.tamilcatholic.org
December 10, 2017, Sunday 10am. Youth & Children Christmas Service; Organized by Atlanta Tamil Church; Venue: Atlanta Tamil Church premises, Norcross, Georgia; Contact: www.atlantatamilchurch.org, 770.723.1711, pastor@atlantatamilchurch.org
December 11, 2017, Monday 6pm. The Hello Girls: America's first Women Soldiers - a talk by Prof. Elizabeth Cobbs, Author of 'The Hello Girls' book; The book tells the story of America's first women soldiers and their fight for equality; Organized by Commonwealth Club; Venue: The Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, California; Contact: www.commonwealthclub.org
December 13, 2017, Wednesday 6pm. Deconstructing America's high-priced health care; A talk by Elisabeth Rosenthal, Editor-in-Chief of Kaiser Health News on how the US health-care industry became big business and how to push back; Organized by The Commonwealth Club; Venue: The Commonwealth Club premises, San Francisco, California; Contact: www.commonwealthclub.org
December 14, 2017, Thursday 6pm. Study Abroad Info Session; Learn more about summer study abroad with World Affairs Council; Organized by World Affairs; Venue: World Affairs Auditorium, San Francisco, California; Contact: worldaffairs.org/events/event/1784
December 17, 2017, Sunday 10am. Christmas Choir Carol Service; Organized by Atlanta Tamil Church; Venue: Atlanta Tamil Church premises, Norcross, Georgia; Contact: www.atlantatamilchurch.org, 770.723.1711, pastor@atlantatamilchurch.org
December 24, 2017, Sunday 10am. Family Sing Song Service; Organized by Atlanta Tamil Church; Venue: Atlanta Tamil Church premises, Norcross, Georgia; Contact: www.atlantatamilchurch.org, 770.723.1711, pastor@atlantatamilchurch.org
December 25, 2017, Monday 10am. Christmas Service; Organized by Atlanta Tamil Church; Venue: Atlanta Tamil Church premises, Norcross, Georgia; Contact: www.atlantatamilchurch.org, 770.723.1711, pastor@atlantatamilchurch.org
December 31, 2017, Sunday 10:30pm. Watchnight & New Year Service; Organized by Atlanta Tamil Church; Venue: Atlanta Tamil Church premises, Norcross, Georgia; Contact: www.atlantatamilchurch.org, 770.723.1711, pastor@atlantatamilchurch.org
January 2nd & 3rd, 2018, Tue. & Wednesday 3pm. Indo American Carnatic Music Festival; Organized by Narada Gana Sabha (Chennai) & Carnatic Music Association of North America (CMANA, NJ); Venue: Narada Gana Sabha, TTK Road, Chennai; Contact: www.cmana.org
January 7, 2018, Sunday Noon. Charity Banquet to raise funds for Tamil Chair @ Harvard University; Organized by Tamil Chair Inc., New York Tamil Sangam and New York Tamil Academy; Venue: Akbar Restaurant, Garden City, New York; Contact: www.harvardtamilchair.org, Brahashitha Gupta: suribraha@msn.com, 347.724.3322
January 18, 2018, Saturday 11am. 138th Jayanthi of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi; A talk by Dennis Hartel following by Bhajans, Video, Veda Parayanam and Arati; Venue: Fremont Senior center, 40086 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Fremont, California; Contact: Sunita_parasuraman@yahoo.com
January 20, 2018, Saturday 10am. Grand Pongal Celebrations with Guests Bhagiyaraj & Poornima Bhagiyaraj; Program features Light Music by Vasanth Vasikaran; Organized by Tamil Sangam of Greater Washington; Venue: Woodson High School, Fairfax, Virginia; Contact: www.washingtontamilsangam.org 1pm. Pongal Celebrations; Program features Tamil School student performances; Organized by Connecticut Tamil Sangam; Venue: Timothy Edward Middle School, South Windsor, Connecticut; Contact: www.cttamilsangam.org
January 27, 2018, Saturday 3pm. Pongal Celebrations; Organized by Bay Area Tamil Manram; Venue: India Community Center, Milpitas, California; Contact: www.bayareatamilmanram.org 4pm. Pongal Celebrations; Registrations for cultural events - now open; Organized by Tamil Association of Colorado; Venue: Gateway High School, Aurora, California; Contact: www.tamilcolorado.org Pongal Thiruvizha; A grand celebration of local performers on a folk theme; Registration open; Organized by Michigan Tamil Sangam; Venue: TBD; Contact: www.mitamilsangam.org |